Time Management For Revision
by Manisha Shah · Published · Updated
Time management-a key to success
Time is the most valuable coin in your life. You and you alone will determine how that coin will be spent. This is the key to time management- to see the value of every moment. Time management is very important for students to study with focus and secure high marks. So here are few Time Management tips for the students which help them to plan a better time-table for revision.
1) Create a schedule: – It takes both a plan and a schedule to get things done in a perfect manner. A good schedule defends from chaos and whim. A good revision schedule helps you to plan your self- study time and is the best way to secure good marks.
2) Get organized: – Being organized helps you to be in control. It helps you to save your time, efforts and unnecessary stress. Getting organized doesn’t mean being perfect but it’s about improving the efficiency. Cluttering in your surroundings often clutters your mind.
3) Prioritize your task: – The success of revision does not depend on prioritizing your schedule but it depends on scheduling your priorities. While making a schedule always give priorities to the subjects which you feel need more time and are your favorites.
4) Be realistic:- It is easy to overestimate or underestimate your revision hours per day but a realistic study plan helps you to secure good marks and makes a huge difference in your life as a student. A realistic schedule helps you target and your goals easily.
5) Practice effective study techniques: – It is not enough to make good schedule for revision. You also need to practice effective study techniques. Always keep your study table organized and create a quite study area. Make good notes and use flash cards to study during unexpected free time. Take advantage of your peak energy levels and study the most difficult subjects as you can grasp them well at this hour of the day. Think positively while you are studying and have trust on your abilities and capabilities. Make best use of the waiting hours like waiting in a doctor’s clinic. And the most important part is to gear yourself up, from the beginning, for the success.
6) Be prepare for unexpected: – Few things come on our way so unexpectedly, that sometimes we are not prepared for them; but to accept the unexpected and handle it smartly shows thoroughly a modern intellect. Always be prepared for the unexpected and think unexpected situations will be fascinating, inspiring and will propel you to new heights. Have the best plans ready and do the best each day.
7) Know what your goals are: – Don’t let anything stop you from achieving your goals. Review your goals every morning in order to be focused on achieving them. Never waste your time upon anything which is not so important for you. See your goals, understand the obstacles, and create a positive mental picture, clear your mind of self doubt, embrace the challenge, stay on track and show the world that you can do it.
8) Allow time for planning to avoid repetition: – Taking time to plan for revision and work upon it is a great help in time management. Always have a habit of making a TO – DO list in order to avoid repetition and omitting some very important points or the information. Proper planning will also help you to save countless hours of your valuable time. Plan everything very smartly as it will help you to avoid wasting many extra hours and direct you to focus only on the important things. Instead of reading the chapters again and again just focus on the important and highlighted points while doing revision because going upon the whole matter again during revision is just a waste of time.
9) Avoid procrastination and distraction: – These are the two biggest threats to your success. Never take up such tasks which are a sure waste of time; always be ready to say ‘NO’. Gadgets and social media are the two main distractions for the students in the present world. So try and maintain a distance from them as it has been truly said: – “Time is precious and lost once cannot be regained again.”
10) Exercise to clear your head in between study session: – If you feel tiresome take a break from your study schedule find a peaceful corner and try to meditate. You can also listen to a soft music to refresh your mind or inhale or exhale to stop drowsiness.
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