Key Points That I Have To Focus In Early Stage Of My Academic Performance
by Manisha Shah · Published · Updated
It’s never too late to start something good. Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle. So here are few tips to stay on track and achieve success.
1) Set a goal:- Set goals beyond your reach so that you always have something to live for. Stay focused, chase your goals and ultimately the success will be yours. The harder you work to achieve your goals the greater you feel once you achieve them.s
2) Write everything down:- Pen and paper are the most powerful tools of a student. The habit of writing down helps you to save time as ideas don’t stay for long. A written goal is also a powerful reminder that helps you to keep yourself on the right track.
3) Create a rough weekly schedule:- Create a weekly schedule at the beginning of each new week. Review your schedule each day before you start your day. Allot equal time to all subjects. In this schedule allot time to go through all the sticky notes in which you have noted down all the important points.
4) Get rid of distractions:- As smart phones are the biggest distractions for students, so keep them away from you during your study. They are one of the biggest obstacles on your way to success so try to minimize its’ use. Find a peaceful and good ventilated area for study, which is away from all kinds of distractions.
5) Work in short blocks of time:- Relax your mind and body after every 45 minutes so that you don’t feel tired. It will help you to focus on the other subject with same energy level which you possessed before sitting for studies. Deep breathing is one of the best exercises to refresh your mind as it increases the supply of oxygen in your blood.
6) Exercise regularly:- As it has been rightly said that “ A HEALTHY MIND RESIDES IN A HEALTHY BODY”, so as an student you should have a habit of doing exercise each morning. It will help you to keep fit, activate your mind and above all it will remove drowsiness and will keep you active throughout the day.
7) Break big tasks into smaller ones:- Simplifying the work helps you to grasp better and faster. First try to figure out the difficult parts of a task and work upon them. Create a deadline for completion of the task which will help you to focus on each part complete fast.
8) Get at least 8 hours of sleep every night:- A sleep is as important for your health as good nutrition, water and exercise. It helps you wake up well-rested and ready for your day. It helps you to memorize things faster as it impsssroves your memory.
9) Keep track of important dates; deadlines etc.:- Set a reminder for important dates to meet the deadlines. Missing deadlines shows that you are not serious and focused about your goals. Completion of any task at the correct time predicts your efficiency.
10) Analyze the mistakes you make in tests and exams:- Your mistake is your best teacher. It’s a lesson and not a loss, so learn from the mistakes you commit during a test or an exam. Analyze your mistakes and avoid committing them again. Don’t carry your mistakes under your arm instead use them as your stepping stones.
11) Take note during class:- It is very important for every student. When you are listening and writing, it helps you to concentrate more and understand the text better. It will help you to understand the important parts of the chapter and keeps you organized and keep up with the studies.
12) Ask lots of questions:- You always learn by asking questions. Any doubt in mind will interfere to understand the subject better so get into the habit of asking questions. A wise man learns more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.
13) Eat healthy:- To eat is a necessity, but to eat healthy is an intelligent act. Remember when your body is hungry; it wants nutrients and not calories. Avoid junk food as it satisfies you for a minute but being fit satisfies you for life.
14) Challenge yourself:- If you want to achieve success then you must do something beyond what you have already mastered. If you don’t challenge yourself, you will never realize what you can become.
15) Make time to relax:- Balance your day, make each day both useful and pleasant and prove that you understand the importance of time well. You will be more successful if you let go of the habit of running all the time and take little pauses to relax and re-energize yourself.
I feel motivated more than normal
Thank you very much Manisha and Prismart