How Can My Child Overcome From The Hatred Of Doing Home-Work?
by Manisha Shah · Published · Updated

Every parent around the world would definitely wish for a magical wand which they would wave over their kid to make them complete the home-work. What home-work actually means for both parent and the kid? Is it like a nightmare or something which is impossible to work upon? Don’t worry, it’s not a very difficult task, it’s just about following simple ways to make it a bit more enjoyable for your kid.
1. Importance of home-work: – It brings a sense of responsibility in the child and improves the child’s thinking skills and memorization. Your child learns to use time wisely and also understands how to create a perfect balance between studies and play. It develops self-confidence of the child and creates his interests in studies.
2. Bring a sense of accomplishment and confidence: – The sense of completing the home-work successfully makes the child confident. It reinforces the concepts taught in school, makes the child self-disciplined, exercises the brain and improves the concentration power of a child. The child becomes more attentive in class and this also helps in improving his grades.
3. Teach your children to learn, not just to study: – Home-work is not to keep the child busy but to prepare the child for the next day’s lesson. Just completion of home-work without understanding is just like copying from one to another. It has no importance unless the child memorizes it.
4. Find “fun” ways to study: – Motivate kids for doing home-work by giving appraisals or incentives like their favorite snack, stickers, favorite toy etc. It is often seen that kids dislike the home-work when they don’t understand the material. Different apps can be of great help and a fun way to learn. Don’t lay too much emphasis on grades because it might destroy the interest of your kid in studies.
5. Involve with your child in their study: – Involvement is the most important factor, if you really want to help your kid you need to involve yourself. The faster you get involved the better results you will get.
6. During a home-work session, watch for signs of frustration: – When a child gets frustrated while doing the home-work it means they need your love and support. Instead of getting frustrated yourself, try to help your kid. Find ways to reduce the stress by thinking of easy ways to help in home-work and in completion of the work in an interesting way.
7. Tackling home-work with joy: – The very first thing is to assign few hours from your time, after school, for home-work. Allot specific time for different subjects. Find a comfortable place which is away from all kinds of distractions. Keep a break time after every 35 minutes and take a deep breath and practice exhale and inhale to stimulate the brain so that your blood flow increases, sending more oxygen throughout the body.
8. Ask the kids to use a 5-point scale to rate the difficulty level of each problem: – Rating the difficulty level of every problem helps you to solve faster and understand better. Always try to solve your problems in ascending order of difficulty level.
9.Provide practice and reinforce previous instruction: – It has been rightly said that “practice makes a man perfect”. Kids benefit from practice because then they connect themselves with information on a deeper level.
10. Develop student responsibility: – There are no shortcuts to achieve better results “HARD WORK IS THE ONLY KEY TO SUCCESS” and the need of hard work is felt by the child only when he develops a sense of responsibility. A responsible kid is always self-disciplined, learns time management and develops independent thinking.
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