How Can I Encourage My 6 Year Old Kid For Creative Thinking
by Manisha Shah · Published · Updated
“Every child is born creative. The challenge is to keep that creativity alive.”
As parents we worry, what a child will become tomorrow and we forget that he/she is someone today. Children are not things to be molded but people to be unfolded. Mothers are great for activating the curiosity of their young children. A mother is a child’s first creative teacher. So be careful when you step into the creative world of your child, step with care and great tact. When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower. Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed. Rediscover with him the joy, excitement and mystery of the world we live in. Never handicap your children by creating their lives. Assign them such tasks which have challenges for them. If you want to enhance the quality of creative thinking in your kid let him commit mistakes because a child learns better after committing mistakes. Spend quality time with your child and try to study the following habits of your child which are the signs of a creative mind.
1). Creative kids get bored easily, so you can never engage them with only one type of task every time.
2). They love challenges and take every kind of risk.
3). Asks lot of questions and makes lot of mistakes.
4). Such kids hate rules and regulations and want to work independently.
5). They change their mind a lot and always have big dreams.
A child’s questions should never remain un-answered. If his queries remain unsolved, his creative mind gets suppressed. Help the child to turn his world of imaginations into reality. Never narrate such stories to your kids which have something negative in it because negativity is the biggest enemy of creativity. Be a role model of your child. Children who watch their parents engage in creative activities are more likely to embrace these activities themselves. Reduce the television hours of your kid. Time spent watching cartoons can be spent in doing something creative. Most importantly give your children the freedom to explore their ideas and what they want to do. Ask them such questions which involves imagination such as “if you get the powers of a super hero for a day, what would you do?”
Always try to excuse the mess…………as you don’t yet know, that your kid is making memories.
“Free the child’s potential and you will transform him into the world.”
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