Prismart Blogs Blog

How Blender Software Can Benefit Your Business 0

How Blender Software Can Benefit Your Business

With the rise of 3D animation and video, it’s no surprise that more businesses are turning to blender software to create stunning visuals. Blender has come a long way since its humble beginnings as...

The Top Three Benefits Of Blender And 3d Animation For Professionals 0

The Top Three Benefits Of Blender And 3d Animation For Professionals

Animation and 3D modeling are two booming fields that are seeing huge benefits from using Blender and other 3D animation software. With so many possibilities for creativity and storytelling, these tools are making a...

Top 5 Reasons Blender Is A Vital Tool In Your Organization 0

Top 5 Reasons Blender Is A Vital Tool In Your Organization

As businesses continue to transform into more digital and agile entities, the need for 3D animation and design tools becomes more important than ever. Blender is a powerful 3D animation and design tool that...

Corona-virus 4

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Outbreak: Impact on Indian Economy

The outbreak of COVID-19 in China has impacted the whole world and has been felt across the sectors. The world’s second-largest economy and the world’s most populated country has come to a standstill. The World Health Organisation has declared a national emergency. In India too, the impact of Coronavirus has been felt through supply chain disruptions on regional players who import from China.

stem-skills-with-robotime 2

Boosting Your Child’s STEAM Skills With Robotics

“STEAM Education” is a crucial theme of education sweeping through schools and colleges throughout the world. STEAM education is an acronym representing the huge push to involve and educate college students in Science, Technology,...

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I am Jyoti Rautela
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