AR Next Big Revolution In Technology
by prismartblog · Published · Updated
Augmented Reality changes the way we see, imagine and learn about the world around us. Prismart augmented reality (AR) app and platform enables to visualize 3D models in the real environment, in real time, and at full scale. Augmented reality is a bridge between real and virtual world. Prismart is come up with unique Augmented Reality creation to reach your brand at peak .
Innovation of Prismart Augmented Reality
1. Prismart Augmented Reality working sectors
Prismart is working on AR for almost every sector; we have created content for edutainment, advertisement, home accessories, automobiles, training, food chains, real estate and many more.
2. Prismart AR in Education sector
By AR, A normal book without spending much on printing gets converted into live objects to give learners a satisfactory experience. We can relate Voiceovers, Images 3d models, some important links and many more related to a topic and make learning a great fun.
3. Prismart AR in Advertisements
Advertisement is all about recall and response of the product. Customers want to customize every product according to their choice, either we talk about burger, watches, shoes or we talk about car and real-estate. Prismart helps to provide every information through AR about the product including audio, video information, ingredients, training and the list is countless.
Your Brand becomes memorable and the best mouth publicity ever can be generated.
4. Training
That’s the most important, expensive and unexciting job of an organization. We love to save companies and trainees from that by creating a learning environment by making training manuals or real 3d models and all you need is contact us.
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